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Print/braille Information plaque and Laceleaf Japanese Maple tree.

Edmonds Lions Club

.Edmonds, Washington

                  A graceful Laceleaf Japanese Maple tree stands behind it's plaque in this peaceful corner of the path.

Sierra Park

The Edmonds Lions Club created the Sierra Park Path for the Blind in 1976 in honor of our nation's bicentennial celebration. The trail, built into a small neighborhood park, winds through a peaceful wooded area.


Signs describe designated trees in print and braille and display a drawing of the tree's leaves. The boy to the right is reading braille about the Yew tree that stands next to the sign.


The original trail was designed by architect Bob Brown, who was blind, and funded by the Edmonds Lions Club. The park is owned by the City of Edmonds. Edmonds Lions work in cooperation with the city to maintain the trail.


Sierra Park is open to the public. There is a generous parking lot, a bench, and a picnic table for use by visitors. The park is located at 19020 82nd Avenue West, Edmonds, Washington.


Plaque commerating Sierra Park's completion in 1976
flag and pole donated by the Edmonds Lions Club.
Boy reading braille plaque about the Yew tree.

This twelve year old boy is an experienced braille reader. Note how he uses all of his fingers to      gather information.

close up of boy's fingers reading braille information on the Yew tree plaque.

In 2016 the Edmonds Lions Club installed a flag pole and flag near the entrance to the park. The dedication ceremony featured brief talks by the president of the Edmonds Lions Club and the mayor of Edmonds. The plaque below is adhered to a stone near the base of the pole.


Plaque commemorating Edmonds' LIons 2016 donation of flag and pole
Maintaining the Park
SP raking.jpg
nine Edmonds Lions take a break; rakes and shovels lean against a nearby tree
Edmonds Lion is clearing brush from an overgrown area
Edmonds Lion sweeping leaves from the path
seven Lions pause their park clean up efforts for a photo
Edmonds Lion power spraying the path
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