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Intersecting paths at the beginning of the Sierra Park trail.

Edmonds Lions Club

Edmonds, Washington

The one-mile trail of intersecting paths that wind through Sierra park features a variety of native shrubs and trees. 

About Us


Portrait of Melvin Jones, founder of Lions Clubs International.

Melvin Jones (1879-1961), founder of a Chicago  insurance agency and member of a local business networking club, proposed that the clubs join together to improve their communties and help others throughout the world. His philosophy was "You can't get very far until you start doing something for somebody else."  Lions Clubs International was formed in 1917. It is now headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. There are over 1.4 million members in 46,000 local clubs in over 200 countries throughout the world. 

Portrait of Helen Keller. She asked the Lions Club to be her knights for the blind.

Helen Keller (1880-1968) lost her sight and hearing after an illness when she was 19 months old. With her beloved teacher, Anne Sulllivan, at her side, she became an author, disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer. She graduated from Radcliff College/Harvard University and was the first blind person to earn a B.A. Helen was a guest speaker at the 1925 Lions International convention in Cedar Point, Ohio. During her address, she challenged the Lions to become her "knights for the blind in the crusade against darkness." The Lions accepted her challenge. Sight and hearing have become primary Lions Club projects throughout the world.

 Edmonds Lions Club

The first Lions Clubs formed by Melvin Jones and his colleagues were men-only clubs, as was the Edmonds Lions Club that was organized February 1, 1947. Ray Cloud was charter president. Lake City Lions Club was the sponsoring club.


In 1989, Jan Buckner became the first Edmonds lady Lion, opening the door for men and women to work together for the benefit of their communities.


The Edmonds Lions Club is governed by a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chair. The club's many service projects are carried out through the work of committees.


Edmonds Lions Club Foundation 

The Edmonds Lions Club Foundation was established in 1995 with donations from former Edmonds Lions Club President and Zone Chairman Jack Swan and Edmonds Philanthropists Ed and Maude Hodgson.


The purpose of the Edmonds Lions Club Foundation: Provide scholarships and raise funds for community services and help provide funds for alcohol abuse. Activities are limited to charitable or educational in purpose within the meaning of Section 501.C.3 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Since its inception the foundation has provided scholarships for worthy high school graduates in the Edmonds School District. Other donations made over the years have been to the Edmonds Food Bank, meals for needy elementary school children, clothes for kids, and the Lighthouse for the Blind.


The Annual Meeting of the Edmonds Lions Club Foundation is held in conjunction with the first meeting of each calendar year of the Edmonds Lions Club. At this meeting donations to community charitable causes and scholarships are decided upon.


Lions International logo

Edmonds Lions Club

PO Box 178

Edmonds WA 98020





Next meeting: 


The second meeting in January will be Tuesday, January 28 at Noon in the Pancake Haus.  Our speaker will be from Sound Transit to discuss the

light rail and its future plans.


Meetings: Second Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Maplewood Presbyterian Church and Fourth Tuesday at 12 noon at Pancake Haus, September through June




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