Edmonds Lions Club posts flags throughout Edmonds on specified holidays.
Club News
Please contact us if you would like to participate in our activities, learn more about our community service programs, or attend a meeting.
Meetings: The Edmonds Lions Club meets the Second and Fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM September through June. There is no fourth Wednesday meeting in December.
Address: Maplewood Presbyterian Church
19523 84th Avenue West
Edmonds, WA 98026
Edmonds Lions Celebrate 75th Anniversary
The Edmonds Lions Club was organized February 1,1947. The Lake City Lions was the sponsoring club. Ray Cloud was the charter president.
On Wednesday evening, February 22, 2023, the Edmonds Lions celebrated 75 years of service to the community. The well-attended event held at the Edmonds Center for the Arts began with a welcome from Steve Dwyer, co-president of the Edmonds Lions Club, followed by remarks from Ron Wilkie, Emcee for the evening and Past Zone Chair of the Lake City Lions Club.
The attendees joined together for the
Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of
"America" and "Oh Canada" to the piano
accompaniment of David Little, former
Edmonds School District music teacher.
Reverend Hallack Greider of Maplewood
Presbyterian Church offered the invocation.
Marlon Applewick of the Lake City Lions
introduced Senator Maria Cantwell who gifted the club with a 5' by 8' American flag that was flown over the U.S. Capital in honor of the Edmonds Lions Club.
A banquet followed.
Presentations included a proclamation and remarks by Edmonds Mayor Mike Nelson.
Edmonds Lion Tom Snyder reviewed the Club's history. Renton Lion Rosemary Ritchert gave a presentation titled "Lionism and Us," and there was a presentation from Lions International by Everett Central Lion Lee Woodard.
The prestigious Melvin Jones Fellow Award was presented to Steve Dwyer, current co-president of the Edmonds Lions Club (center holding plaque). He is surrounded by Melvin Jones recipients in Seattle District 19B.
Chevrons recognizing years of service were awarded to the following:
Sue Charles 10 Year Chevron
Sandy Tsiang 15 Year Chevron
Phil Stone 35 Year Chevron
Tom Snyder 45 Year Chevron
Proclamation from Mike Nelson
City of Edmonds Mayor
WHEREAS, the Lions Club International is the largest service club club in the world; and
WHEREAS, the objects of the Lions Clubs are to create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world, to promote good governance and good citizenship; to take an active interest in the civic, cultural and social and moral welfare of the community, to encourage service-minded men and women to serve their community without personal financial reward; and
WHEREAS, the Edmonds Lions Club has met those ideals since its inception on November 11, 1946; and
WHEREAS, the Edmonds Lions Club is dedicated to serving the community with service projects such as construct fire pits at the beaches, construct the Sierra Park for the Blind, donate park benches, provide eye glasses and hearing devices for the needy, provide college scholarships, provide aid to the local food banks, provide sponsoring of youth sports, support leader dogs for the blind, support summer camp for kids with diabetes, provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for needy families, and post flags for holidays, and
Now, therefore, I, Mike Nelson, Mayor, in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the Edmonds Lions Club, and their support for many Community projects to make our community a better place to live, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, February 22nd 2023 to be Edmonds Lions Club Anniversary Day in Edmonds.